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SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications

Table of Contents
Volume 27, Issue 1, pp. 1-303

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Accurate Eigenvalues and SVDs of Totally Nonnegative Matrices

Plamen Koev

pp. 1-23

On Optimal Reorderings of Sparse Matrices for Parallel Cholesky Factorizations

Wen-Yang Lin and Chuen-Liang Chen

pp. 24-45

On the Low-Rank Approximation of Data on the Unit Sphere

M. Chu, N. Del Buono, L. Lopez, and T. Politi

pp. 46-60

Generalized Finite Algorithms for Constructing Hermitian Matrices with Prescribed Diagonal and Spectrum

Inderjit S. Dhillon, Robert W. Heath, Jr., Mátyás A. Sustik, and Joel A. Tropp

pp. 61-71

A Perturbation Bound of the Drazin Inverse of a Matrix by Separation of Simple Invariant Subspaces

Yimin Wei, Xiezhang Li, and Fanbin Bu

pp. 72-81

How to Deduce a Proper Eigenvalue Cluster from a Proper Singular Value Cluster in the Nonnormal Case

Stefano Serra-Capizzano, Daniele Bertaccini, and Gene H. Golub

pp. 82-86

Nonlinear Discriminant Analysis Using Kernel Functions and the Generalized Singular Value Decomposition

Cheong Hee Park and Haesun Park

pp. 87-102

Generalized Lyapunov Equations and Positive Definite Functions

Rajendra Bhatia and Driss Drissi

pp. 103-114

On the Pseudospectra of Matrix Polynomials

Peter Lancaster and Panayiotis Psarrakos

pp. 115-129

Interlacing Properties for Hermitian Matrices Whose Graph is a Given Tree

C. M. da Fonseca

pp. 130-141

The Accurate and Efficient Solution of a Totally Positive Generalized Vandermonde Linear System

James Demmel and Plamen Koev

pp. 142-152

The Ehrlich--Aberth Method for the Nonsymmetric Tridiagonal Eigenvalue Problem

Dario A. Bini, Luca Gemignani, and Françoise Tisseur

pp. 153-175

An Orthogonal Similarity Reduction of a Matrix into Semiseparable Form

M. Van Barel, R. Vandebril, and N. Mastronardi

pp. 176-197

An Alternative Algorithm for the Refinement of ULV Decompositions

Jesse L. Barlow, Hasan Erbay, and Ivan Slapnicar

pp. 198-211

Bounds for Inverses of Triangular Toeplitz Matrices

Kenneth S. Berenhaut, Daniel C. Morton, and Preston T. Fletcher

pp. 212-217

Inverse Problems with I $\otimes$ A Kronecker Structure

Fred Greensite

pp. 218-237

A Global Solution for the Structured Total Least Squares Problem with Block Circulant Matrices

Amir Beck and Aharon Ben-Tal

pp. 238-255

Computationally Efficient Approximations of the Joint Spectral Radius

Vincent D. Blondel and Yurii Nesterov

pp. 256-272

The Singular Value Behavior of the Finite Sections of Block Toeplitz Operators

A. Rogozhin

pp. 273-293

On the Hermitian-Generalized Hamiltonian Solutions of Linear Matrix Equations

Zhong-Zhi Zhang, Xi-Yan Hu, and Lei Zhang

pp. 294-303